Sunday School
Sundays at 10 a.m. in Church Croft
An hour's worth of learning and activities which are linked to the services and readings taking place during the main Parish Communion service in Church. Each session lasts for approximately 60 minutes. The parents/guardians of younger children are welcome to stay with their children for the first few weeks of their attendance or until they are settled.
Our Sunday School teachers plan and deliver the lessions each week. They are DBS checked by the Diocese of Manchester. If you are interested in volunteering please speak to a member of the Sunday School team.
Family Praise and Family Service
The first Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. in Church
Family Praise is for the whole Family and includes a relaxed worship with songs, hymns and a special theme at every service. Family Praise services are short, usually noisy and lots of fun!
Mondays at 3.45 p.m. in Church
Family Services take place during term time only and is led by our clergy and the staff and pupils of St Michael's School. All are welcome to attend these joyous occasions.
The Loft
A youth group for 11+ year olds to explore their faith, make friends, and learn new skills. This is delivered via seasonal, purposeful events throughout the year and they will include as many people as possible - whether members of the St Michael's church family, other churches or friends from elsewhere.
Two events are being planned, so far:
Saturday 28th September 2019 - Pay What You Feel Meal
6.30 p.m. to eat at 7 p.m.
What is it? A three course meal to raise funds for Stretford Foodbank (and save a bit for a summer treat for Loft members who attend throughout the year).
What do we want from you? We want as many of our young people as possible to come along, help us cook, serve our guests (only 25 places so parents need to sign up asap) and enjoy the food! As well as a fabulous community project, it will look great on university application forms.
Please message us if you can help and pass this on to anyone you can think of! If you wish to be a guest at the meal please message asap with number of places and any dietary requirements.
Friday 13th December - Christmas Extravaganza!
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Christmas food, games and film night
We're celebrating everything Christmassy! More details to follow.