9th October, 10:15am
Harvest (please bring food for harvest)
9th October, 3pm
Pet Service (in the churchyard)
16th October, 10:15am
Healing Service
23rd October, 10:15am
Bible Sunday
30th October, 10:15am
All Saints
30th October, 6pm
All Souls Service
13th November, 10:15am
Remembrance Service
20th November, 10:15am
Christ the King
27th November, 6:00pm
Advent Carol service
4th December, 10:15am
Toy Service (Please bring new toys for Wood Street Mission and Trafford Domestic Abuse Services)
17th December, 12-4pm
Victorian Christmas Fair
18th December, 6pm
Nine Lessons and Carols
21st December, 8pm
Church Inn Beer and Carols
24th December, 4pm
Scratch Nativity
24th December, 10.30pm
Singalong Carols
24th December, 11.30pm
Midnight Mass
25th December, 10.15am
Christmas Day Service